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“To everyone who voted no: Thank you”

As I write this I am smiling so hard that my cheeks hurt, I have a tear in my eye and a happy heart.

It is coming to an epic conclusion in Australia 2017. FINALLY, same sex marriage has been passed through the federal parliament which means it is now legal. Pretty soon we will be hearing of or attending the first same sex weddings as early as January 2018.

I don’t think I’ve ever been so proud to be Australian than I have been this past week. Its a massive relief to know that after all the arguments and campaigns that so many have been involved, it has finally paid off and we can say we have achieved some equality in this country.

I was talking to my dad about this the other day; despite the fact that we disagreed with the many people who argued against saying yes and tried to amend the bill to let celebrants discriminate against marrying gay couples. Despite the people who voted no; it was actually a good thing that we had resistance. The reason being, we had a reason to fight even harder which meant the victory was even sweeter and it brought the issue to the forefront of people’s minds. It was talked/argued about; not just swept under the rug. It wasn’t legalised without anyone having a chance to understand its significance.

So theoretically, to everyone who voted no: Thank you.

I’ll be honest I am no Malcolm Turnbull supporter, but I will give him this; he will forever be remembered as the Australian Prime Minister who legalised gay marriage. Not that he did it on his own, but still. It happened under his government and that to me is pretty honourable (his other politics aside).

To Mr Turnbull; Thank you for doing something right.

For too long Australia has accepted marriage inequality to be okay but not anymore. this is a good sign for the future prosperity of Australia because now we can officially declare the first steps towards equality (which if you read my blog on marriage equality, is the core issue beneath all this).

Speaking of equality, we still have a long way to go, like achieving equal pay for women, supporting refugees into this country and fixing the school funding system… but more on all that some other time.

For now, we can celebrate and bask in the glory of this tremendous win! Again. I want to say how proud i am of everyone who fought to achieve this legislation and the everyday people who voted yes, because they knew it was the right thing to do. This just goes to what we can do when we stick together and fight for our rights and freedoms.

Congratulations to all the friends and family that this new law will have an effect on. I can’t imagine how happy some people must be feeling right now but judging from the emotion shown on the news of scenes in parliament and elsewhere, I’ll say pretty great!

This law not only legalises same sex marriage, but also shows that we do see you, we accept you for who you are no matter what your sexuality is. You deserve the same level of love and happiness that everyone else (outside the LGBTQ community) receives. We are all humans and we are all entitled to love and marry whoever we choose.

Love is love. And love wins! 

Have a lovely day! xx

If you are interested and you haven't already, please check out the first blog I did on marriage equality and remember to Follow or Subscribe for more!

"This is an issue of EQUALITY"


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