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“A new experience every time”

I was just going through my last blog and noticed that I hadn’t edited it. I think I posted it in a rush so I forgot. Anyway, sorry about that but I fixed it. So once again I haven’t blogged in a while. I’ve been away on holiday in Queensland the past week and we just landed back in Melbourne on Monday night. Almost Tuesday morning to be honest. I started writing a blog while I was up there but at the time I didn’t have much to go on and then I just got too busy actually enjoying the holiday. That being said, I reckon its time I make you guys jealous and fill you in on what went down.

23rd September - Saturday afternoon – 2:22pm

Right now, I am sitting here writing on the deck of a lovely house on the Peregian Beach in Queensland. About 2 hours from the Gold Coast where we landed 6 hours ago. My brother is currently making a fool of himself in the pool and my sister is trying to work out if there’s Wifi… I mean… priorities. Mum and Dad are taking a much deserved nap.

Side note; its mum’s birthday!

We had to get up this morning at 3am so we could get to the airport an hour before we boarded at 6. I’m currently running on five hours sleep but considering where I am right now I’m not complaining. It is ridiculously hot out here in comparison to Melbourne. Last time I checked it was 28 degrees and supposed to be in the 30s all week.

The pool I’m facing btw is what I can only describe as a floating pool. Meaning the far edge of it is the edge of the deck. The view of trees and neighbouring houses from here is incredible. Harry and Rosie are just telling me now that apparently, the water spills down off the edge like a waterfall. I’ll probably join them later after I get some writing done.

Wait, hang on. I’ve just been asked to judge a diving competition….


That was of course the very first day. The rest of the week was just as chill. Well it was hot but you get what I mean. We spent most days at the house, either in the pool or reading. We got to go down to this shopping strip in Noosa which also has a beach. Bare in mind, we were living in a fairly wealthy part of town so a lot of the restaurants and shops were expensive. But it was a holiday so it’s okay. I got a new dress, skirt, shoes, top and bathers. We did the usual touristy activities; buy ice-cream go to the beach. Though I don’t actually go to the beach, more like observe the view.

We got to eat out most nights apart from two times when we had fish and chips, one time we had pizza and another we had homemade pasta sauce. The food in restaurants were amazing! Well they had to be. But if we had the money I would definitely want to live in a place like Noosa or Peregian Beach.

My favourite part of the holiday besides the house with the pool, would have to be the last night. On that Sunday, we went back down to Noosa and had dinner as this nice café/bar that had an outdoor restaurant as well. We had been there earlier in the week for lunch. The food was again magnificent. I had grilled Atlantic salmon (my favourite) and for dessert, vanilla panna cotta.

We thought in the daytime that shopping strip was packed but even at night the place was lit up…. literally. All the trees in that area were decorated in lights. There were just tons of people either at restaurants or walking along. From where we were sitting in the outdoor area, we could see a musician had set up his speakers and was busking. People dancing or just watching on. Other cafes nearby like an ice-cream shop and Japanese place were lit up and packed. After dinner, we walked back to our car and along the way, spotted a woman running a hair braiding stand on the side-walk. So both me and Rosie got pretty braides woven into our hair. Something cool to remember the holiday by, I thought.

The only down side to this holiday was the whole family was still very crook so we didn’t have the energy to go out every day. I was at the tail end of it. but everyone else was in the middle of it. We even had to visit the doctors up in Peregian. Unlike every other time we go to Queensland, we weren’t able to visit the relatives. Mum’s two brothers live up there because that’s where she was originally from. I have six cousins and a step cousin. Plus, 2 young second cousins which we usually see when we’re up there. in fact that’s usually the whole reason we visit Queensland.

Mum’s oldest brother owns a farm in Gympie with his second partner and her daughter. They have animals on this big property and I think three dogs now. It’s a beautiful area. My Nana used to live in a house on the same land before she passed away.

The second brother owns a property in Carbrook. A house on this beautiful piece of land which also has a few wild animals like wallabies and geese. I think they had a turkey as well. My cousin – the youngest of his three – just got married on that property last year. She had this beautiful fairy-tale-like wedding. Anyway, we didn’t get to see them because we didn’t want to pass on the horrible flu.

Although I didn’t blog, I spent most of my time working on my story. With the great weather and peaceful surroundings, it was a good time to just sit and write. Going to new places is always great for inspiration. Even though I’ve been to Queensland countless times (we’re always here to visit Mum’s side of the family) it’s a new experience every time. That’s why when I finish school, I can’t wait to start travelling around the world. I just want to write and travel.

Have a lovely day! xx


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