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As of the first Wednesday of 2018 I have launched a brand new blog site. I would encourage all my current followers to click the link below and come check it out. It's bigger and better than ever!

“I am a Procrastinator!”

Lol so this is a topic that I think MOST teenagers can relate to. I am a procrastinator! I can be terrible sometimes. Like I procrastinate so much, I even procrastinate having fun. Last week I told myself I wanted to go take myself shopping or go to the movies with a friend which I haven’t done in a while, I still haven’t done that yet. Other things I’ve put off this week include two blog posts (I told myself I would post three a week), my research for a SAC that’s due this Wednesday and the old favourite, tidying my room.

Oh, and don’t worry, I have plenty of excuses for each and every task that I put off or fail to complete. Coming up with those is the easy part. I’m too tired, I’ll just sleep-in instead. I have no inspiration. Just one more YouTube clip won’t hurt. I’ve got plenty of time. My room isn’t that messy. I guess as teenagers, we just prefer to take the easy way out and if a task is too daunting or too time consuming we’d rather just avoid it. Also, if we have something better to do like watch that new episode of Riverdale on Netflix… well duh?... What do you think we’re gonna do?

But I’ve realised not only am I wasting my time and being unproductive but it’s actually quite unhealthy and can put even more stress on myself if I’m rushing to get things done at the last minute.

When I first began my blog, I told you guys that there were a few things or habits that I wanted to change about my life (bit like a late New Year’s resolution that I came up with one day). One of them was supposed to be to procrastinate less…….. I think it’s safe to say that I have failed... MISERABLY! I’m still procrastinating all the time. And yep I said I had accumulated quite a lot of free time this year. What am I doing? Watching Jess + Gabriel Vlogs on YouTube and scrolling through Facebook. Smh.

Now seriously, I love to plan. I love buying planners and new journals where I can just write lists and set goals. Plan the “why”, “how” and “whatnot” of it all. I even love creating timetables for myself using word documents. Like I know, I’m a freak but I love it. I just never do things when I say I’m gonna do them. I can’t seem to stick to my plans. I’m terrible with commitment!

The reason why I’m writing this is not to teach anyone a lesson. To tell you the truth I told myself I needed to post a blog today but I had no idea what to write about. So, I figured well why not just write about that fact and see what happens? Now I’ve realised that the is an effort to “check myself” but whether I succeed in changing my habits is another story. I have had this conversation with myself before and I still haven’t managed to work it out.

So anyway, I think in life, particularly when you’re in school its actually not good to put things off and procrastinate because like I said its unhealthy and stressful. I’m pretty sure the way to beat procrastination habits is to first get rid of all the distractions (although all is easier said, than done). Make plans or write things down that you have to remember and then STICK TO IT! 

But goodness, what do I know? I’m the one who needs to remember this stuff still!
This is the most writing I could come up with this week. I am very sorry, I just hope I get my shit together soon! Let me know if you can relate, and if you have any tips!

Have a lovely day! xx


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